Going Green

The City of Beaumont has implemented numerous environmental initiatives, policies and strategies to keep Beaumont green. How can you help? 

How you can help

  1. Reduce your shopping waste by avoiding prepackaged fruits and vegetables, as well as single-wrapped or single-use products.
  2. Evaluate what you do waste and create your own personalized waste-reduction plan.
  3. Avoid buying or consuming products that have excess packaging.
  4. Start a game with your family to see who can waste the least (give out a fun family prize!).
  5. Visit our Conservation page for more ideas on how to go green (and save on your utility bills!)


Check out our links and resources to see how we are working towards a greener future!

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions this spring by turning your engine off if parked for more than 3 minutes during warm weather (between 0°C and 30°C). If you are using a drive-thru, picking-up someone from school or running a quick errand, turn off your engine. Idling for 10 seconds uses more fuel than turning off and restarting your engine. If every resident could reduce idling by 1 minute every day, in 1 year we could eliminate enough greenhouse gas emissions to fill 64 NHL-size hockey rinks!

Additional steps

What more can you do to save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

  • Minimize the use of remote car starters during warm weather (between 0°C and 30°C).
  • Be more aware of the amount of time you idle.
  • Next winter use a block heater to warm up your engine.
  • Use other ways to get around such as walking or biking.

*Sources: National Resources Canada

Waste Reduction Week (WRW) engages and empowers Canadians to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. WRW is currently held in the third week of October each year.

A call to take action

WRW’s “take action” message calls on all Canadians to adopt more environmentally conscious choices. The Waste Reduction Week educational resources provide information and ideas to reduce waste in all facets of daily living. Reducing waste is 1 solution to the many environmental challenges we face: climate change, water pollution and preservation of natural resources.

History of WRW

Recycling and Waste Reduction Weeks started in the mid-1980s, when a number of recycling councils and environmental organizations began holding provincial events. In 2001, these organizations came together, pooled their resources and expanded their efforts into a national event called Waste Reduction Week in Canada.

Since 2001, Waste Reduction Week in Canada has been organized by a coalition of non-government, not-for-profit environment groups and governments from each of the 13 participating provincial and territorial jurisdictions across Canada.

Learn more about Circular Economy Month.

Environmental Master Plan

The Environmental Master Plan (EMP) [pdf] is a strategic plan that will guide Beaumont’s progress towards our environmental goals over the next three decades. On August 10, 2021, City Council approved an updated EMP.


In 2020 a process was launched to review and update the 2013 Environmental Master Plan (EMP). The goal of updating the plan was to ensure that the City continues to meet its environmental goals and that it addresses environmental impacts, issues, and services in the City of Beaumont. The process of updating the EMP involved two phases of public engagement, and insights gained from the community were incorporated into the 2021 EMP. On August 10, 2021, the new EMP was approved.

Related documents


The 2021 EMP is a comprehensive strategic plan to guide Beaumont’s environmental initiatives for the period of 2021 to 2026. The plan is a long-range, strategic plan for the next 30 years. It outlines the vision, goals, measurable outcomes, and actions for the next five years. The plan includes a number of focus areas, including air, community design, ecology, energy, waste and water, through which environmental progress will be made and measured. The EMP provides an integrated approach to environmental sustainability, where different departments within the City of Beaumont and the community at large will work together efficiently to achieve environmental goals and support positive environmental progress. The vision is for the City and community of Beaumont to work together to make sustainable choices to preserve the natural environment for future generations.