Fall activity guide out now!
Business & Economy Commercial Permits & Applications Hydrant Use Permit System
Help protect the public water supply
If you see someone withdrawing water from a hydrant without a City supplied backflow/meter assembly or air gap please report this to the Beaumont Operations by calling 780-929-4306. Please include the date, time, location and vehicle license plate number.
Please fill out the Hydrant Use Permit form [pdf] and submit it to waterandwastewater@beaumont.ab.ca. If you have any questions, please call us at 780-929-4306.
Beaumont is committed to encouraging the responsible use of drinking water and maintaining the water system infrastructure to support potable water demands and fire protection needs. With the implementation of the Hydrant Use Permit system, bylaw amendments and your help, together we are striving to ensure a safe drinking water supply to all customers.
The Hydrant Use Permit System is flexible to meet different needs of hydrant uses. All interested hydrant users must apply and receive approval.
The weather must be above zero degrees Celsius to access a hydrant. If unseasonably cold, permits may not be granted.
The hydrant permit season will run from May 1 to October 1. Hydrants and equipment will not be permitted for use prior to May 1. If hydrant equipment is not returned on or before October 1 the damage deposit will be forfeited.