Pay & Apply

You can pay your tax or utility bills at most financial institutions or by one of these other methods:

1) Online or telephone banking

  • Please allow 3 business days before penalty date so payments are received on time.
  • Most banks list Beaumont (City of). You can then choose the 3 account types:
  1. Utilities: Enter your 8-digit account number, without the decimal. (NOTE: if you move within Beaumont, your account number will change)
  2. Taxes: Enter the 6-digit Roll Number found on your Tax Notice.
  3. General: To pay child care fees, pet or business licenses use your 6-digit Customer Number found on invoices or other receivables.

2) Pre-authorized payments

  • Utility bill: Your total utility bill will be withdrawn from your bank account automatically on the bill’s due date.
  • Property taxes: The Tax Installment Plan (TIPS) withdraws 12 equal automatic monthly withdrawals from your bank account to be applied against your property taxes, rather than 1 single annual payment on June 30.
  • You can apply for this service at any time. Please fill out the Pre-Authorized Payments Form [PDF] then fax or email, or drop off at Beaumont’s Administration Office with a void cheque.
  • To make changes to banking information or to stop the pre-authorized payment plan, please complete the Pre-authorized Payment Plan Changes form [PDF].

3) Virtual City Hall (VCH) – account required

  • Pay your property tax, utility account bill and general invoices.

4) In person at Beaumont’s Administration Office

  • Use the drop box located on the east side of the building beside the main entrance or the night mail slot located at the main entrance for quick or after-hours drop-offs. Please include remittance stub with your payment so your payment is applied to the correct account and bill. No cash please.
  • Pay at the front counter. Cash, debit, cheque and money orders are all accepted.
  • Please make cheques and money orders payable to “City of Beaumont.”

5) Mail Payment
City of Beaumont
5600 49 Street
Beaumont, AB T4X 1A1

  • Include remittance stub with your payment so your payment is applied to the correct account and bill. No cash please.
  • Envelopes must be postmarked no later than the due date.
  • Please make cheques and money orders payable to “City of Beaumont.”

Permit applications

View the residential and commercial permit options for building and development, or improving your current property.

Outdoor event permit

Resources for anyone planning to hold an outdoor event in Beaumont.

Municipal roadway use permit

Apply to have moving containers/refuse bins/landscaping materials on municipal roadways.

Business licences

Here’s what you need to know to apply for a business licence in Beaumont.

Pet licences

Keep your pets safe and healthy and registered with the City.