Application to Amend the Élan 1 Neighbourhood and Area Structure Plans

Planning & Development


The City of Beaumont has received an application to amend the Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan and the Élan Area Structure Plan and welcomes your feedback.

Due to the strike at Canada Post, notices mailed to landowners in Élan and adjacent landowners may have been affected.

Application overview

The Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan consists of SE-33-50-24-W4, located north of Twp Rd 505 (50 Ave) and west of Rge Rd 243. The Élan Area Structure Plan applies to all lands in the City of Beaumont located west of Rge Rd 243 and south of Twp Rd 510.

Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan Amendment (NSP-2024-01)

The current approved Neighbourhood Structure Plan defines Low Density Residential as single detached and semi-detached housing. The proposed amendment would allow for the development of some row housing within areas designated as Low Density Residential within the Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan.

Row housing in Low Density Residential areas would be at the discretion of the Subdivision Authority or Development Authority. When considering applications, factors such as municipal servicing, fire flows, and traffic would be considered. Row housing would not be permitted to exceed 25% of the total estimated number of dwellings in Low Density Residential areas.

Row housing, stacked row housing, and apartment housing would continue to be allowed in areas designated for Medium Density Residential. No changes are proposed for this policy area.

Élan Area Structure Plan Amendment (ASP-2024-01)

To allow for the proposed changes in the Élan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan, an amendment to the Élan Area Structure Plan is also required to permit row housing in Low Density Residential if allowed in the Neighbourhood Structure Plan.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact or 780-340-0964 by December 6, 2024. To learn more about the process for these types of applications, visit our Statutory and Outline Plans page.


Location Plan

Elan 1 Neighbourhood Structure Plan Land Use Concept